Western Garfield County is comprised of fast growing pro-business communities that welcome new business development. The region recognizes the need to obtain and strengthen a sustainable economic base. Our communities provide a number of amenities to new business development. These amenities are identified in this guide to development.
Please contact the Rifle Regional Economic Development Corporation at info@rifleedc.com or 970.625.4202 for additional information or assistance regarding individualized business incentives.
Municipal Incentives
Please refer to the appropriate city’s website for their incentives:
Battlement MesaNew Castle
County Incentives
Garfield County offers incentives that qualifying businesses or industry may obtain. These incentives include the following:
- Up to 50% rebate on personal property taxes for equipment and machinery for 10 years.
- Airport benefits may be available if hangar usage is required.
- North West Revolving Loan Fund
State Incentives
The State of Colorado, through the Office of Business Development and Economic Development Commission, offers several incentives to qualifying businesses. The incentives offered by the State include the following:
- Investment Tax Credits
- Enterprise Zone Program
- Job Training Credits
- New jobs Credit
- Aircraft Manufacturer Tax Credits
- Biotechnology Sales and Use Tax Refund
- Local Infrastructure Assistance
- Local Property Tax Incentives
- Manufacturing Revenue Bonds